RDG Filings is committed to providing its clients with the best XBRL service(s) available. This includes keeping our clients up to date with XBRL Tagging ideas, XBRL service updates as well as recent XBRL Filings for better understanding of the XBRL filing process.

XBRL News & Blogs


October 18th, 2012

SEC Staff Observations on XBRL Filings

From time to time the SEC releases staff observations regarding XBRL filings and ways to streamline the process for filers.

Access to these observations is available by clicking here:


SEC Archive

To see the XBRL filing archive of the most recent 200 filings (excluding today) please click here:

1) After clicking on the link, select the company you wish to review
2) Once you are redirected to the registrant’s page for that filing click on the “Interactive Data” button on the left hand side

RDG Detailed Tagging Education

October 18th, 2012

RDG has hosted a series of Educational Webinars to familiarize clients with the additional aspects of XBRL tagging that are included in the detailed-mark-up process.

There will be a series of new posts from our staff which will address common problems and the ways in which RDG can help.